Labels:text | screenshot | font | black and white | number | document OCR: This IMG explains how to create animations for the 'Warp 5 - Mr . Sulu' module of 'Before Dawn'. The example shown can also be found in the 'Before Dawn' archive under the name STARS. IMG. Animation sequences for the module 'Warp 5 - Mr . Sulu' have to be continuous, i. e. each frame should be the followup of the last frame. You may notice that in the example below the stars continue to grow from frame to frame. 'Warp 5 - Mr . Sulu' also needs a clearing mask to clear the frame, before it paints the next frame. This clearing mask should be painted right below the picture itself . The clearing mask shows all coloured pixels of the picture mask in BLACK. All BLACK pixels of the picture mask are not set in the clearing mask . Frame (this animation has 11 frames) Picture sequence - + ++ ++ Cle ...